Many businesses each year bring in new software to help run their business more efficiently and effectively but there are always minor problems along the way. The most common is staff not wanting to see change and also worried they won’t be able to understand the new software put in place.
If you decide to implement new business software you should make sure that all staff which will be using the software understand why it is being put in place, the benefits and also any important points of what the software package does to help the business. The more you explain the more likely your staff are to understand and enjoy the new functionality. Software training will help staff welcome the new software and if they fully understand the program, it will not only help them in doing their work but also help the business become more productive and more competitive.
There are three different ways in which to train staff on new IT packages, (there is also the option of not training at all and letting people learn themselves but this will take time & may be a false economy in the long run). If you want to run an efficient business, then up-skilling and training staff when necessary is most likely the best way to go.
The three ways in which staff can avail of software training are as follows:
On-Site Training – this offers the ability to train multiple staff in a suitable training environment with all the resources needed also at hand. Training lots of people at the same time can work out well but sometimes has pitfalls as there are a variety of people, some who can pick things up quickly and others who may take longer to get to grips with the changes and may benefit from further hours separately. Sending a large group of staff to be trained off-site can be costly as well as impractical as work still needs to be carried out in-house.
Bespoke Training – this kind of training offers a bespoke service in the way of understanding that different people learn at different speeds and in different ways. Usually a plan will be put in place to accomodate specific requirements. Bespoke training is a good way of getting exactly what training you and your staff require as an individual business. Whatever the training may be from accounting packages to call centre software to customer relationship management software, training can be given. Bespoke training offers you a tailor made solution for your business training needs.
Off-Site Training – Off site training could be the option for you if there are few staff to be trained or if there are no on-site training options available in your area. Staff travel to a training centre and use the resources provided by the training providers. It is worth noting that off-site training usually costs more per person than on-site training. By training your team at your facility, you will save on travel, lodging, meals, and other miscellaneous costs.