University of Galway offer a varied range of CPD (Continuous Professional Development) courses. These are also known as micro-credentials. Micro-credentials are short industry specific courses which have been developed at University of Galway. They courses are short, accredited modules for professional development and are innovative in their approach to life-long learning.
University of Galway offer single modules that are accredited by the National University of Ireland, these carry European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) credits at a specific QQI level on the National Framework of Qualifications. This means that there is formal tuition and assessment, and the result earned is acknowledged with an official transcript from University of Galway. These credits can be accumulated towards an award such as a diploma and or used as exemptions on a variety of courses.
University of Galway offers a variety of research-led and quality assured Micro-Creds which carry ECTs from NFQ level 7 to NFQ level 9. Learners may choose to undertake an individual micro-credential or continue on studying, advancing their skills and knowledge over time. In time, some micro-credentials will offer pathways, allowing learners the opportunity to stack micro-credentials into a larger credential or award.
Non-credit-bearing CPD
A variety of CPD opportunities are available that do not carry ECTS but which are recognised by professional bodies as contributing to CPD points or evidence of competence. These are more informal and because they do not involve assessments, they are not recognised on the QQI National Framework of Qualifications. However, this training may be recognised by professional bodies as meeting their parameters for continuous professional development.
Bespoke CPD Options
University of Galway have considerable experience of collaborating with industry partners to develop training specifically for a sector or even a company. This can range from guest speakers, workshops, training sessions and conferences right up to creating diploma level awards. The format can be developed to meet the specific needs of the participants and delivered in a flexible manner. The content is based on the most up-to-date research and draws on the wealth of academic and industry experience available within the University.
Delivery formats
University of Galway offer courses via face-to-face learning in a classroom setting. Online learning courses are also available and some of the CPD courses are offered via blended learning (a mix of both face-to-face and online).
CPD Courses at University of Galway
Some of the CPD courses available at University of Galway are listed below..
- TE153 Critical Thinking
- ECS308 Effective Leadership and Professionalism for the Early Years Sector
- PS6158 Consent, Sexual Violence and Harassment: Practitioner Skills & Practice
- BS1153 Lean Thinking & Lean Tools
- BS1170 Automation 2
- BST154 The Lean Organisation and Technology
- DT1142 Physics 2
- DT1153 Maths 1
- MG8104 Business Strategy
- MG8101 Management Skills
- NU6445 (UCD) Specialist Understanding of Complex Care for Children
- PO5101 Management Diabetic Foot Disease
- NU502 Advanced Research Methods
- NU6104 Management of Venous Leg Ulceration
- NU568 High Dependency Maternity Care
- BS1144 Project Management
- NU644 Student-Centered Teaching & Learning: Active Engagement Strategies
- NU634 Dementia Care: Transforming Practice
- TE302 Blended Learning Design
- DT1165 Intro to Management Science
- BS1142 Product & Process Development
- DT1160 Science, Technology & Innovation
- DT1159 CAD Modelling
- DT1158 Database Applications
- BST156 Environmental Legislation and Compliance
- CT610 Software Engineering
- CT5154 Introduction to Information Retrieval
- DT1146 Organisational Behaviour
- BS1160 Medical Device Science
- DT1171 Human Biology Fundamentals
- BST153 Environmental Management for Organisations
- BS1158 Biocompatibility & Device Design
- DT1145 Introduction to Environmental Science
- TE304 eLeadership
- BS1164 Machine Design
- BS1154 Quality Science – Six Sigma
- CT619 Object Oriented Programming
- CT5157 Data Mining
- EC201 Intermediate Microeconomics (March)
- CT621 Artificial Intelligence
- CT5114 Distributed Systems and Cloud Technologies
- CT618 Object Oriented Design
Developing Learning Design focuses on pedagogical concepts and instructional design models that are fundamental to designing and developing an online...
This module focuses on the central concepts of care that underpin specialist practice in complex care for children and their...
This NFQ level 9 module is designed to facilitate development of multi-faceted skills required when managing the foot conditions found...
Building upon existing knowledge and skills, this module seeks to enable practitioners to anticipate, assess, plan, prioritise, implement and evaluate...
The aim of the Project Management course is to give you a broad overview of the methods and techniques that...
Negotiation Skills explore how two or more parties with competing interests discuss and manage issues so as to attain an...
The primary objectives of this course are as follows: To provide rigorous exposure to the concepts, theories and techniques on...
This module will provide you with an advanced understanding of dementia. The module aims to enable healthcare professionals to provide...
The course covers the following outline: Trigonometry Functions Differentiation Applications of Differentiation Linear Systems Matrices Linear Systems and Matrix Equations...
Management Skills is based on the premise that how you act in a business setting is often as important as...
Physics 1 introduced some of the fundamental ideas of physics. This module, Physics 2, completes the overview of Classical Physics...