For many employees or business owners, part time Continuous Professional Development offers the benefit of continuing to earn money whilst upgrading the skills needed to progress their career or business. Part time courses allow a full-time worker to fit evening or weekend study around their day to day commitments.
There are several part time options available including evenings, weekends and some courses that offer a mix between the two. Other options include attending one-off events where new skills can be obtained, such as paid webinars and professional specific events. If the course is to advance career prospects, then it is worthwhile making sure that a certificate, diploma or attendance document is available.
Working out the costs is important and depending on individual situations it may be possible to approach employers for funding for a course. However, this may entail staying with an employer in return, whereas a self-funded course means more flexibility to move job is maintained. It is important to note that expenses incurred by individuals as employees are tax deductible against overall taxable income. For example, CPD courses, tools, travel expenses are all valid tax-deductible items.
For the self-employed, attending workshops, taking courses and seeking out industry led education to improve prospects and grow your business are also looked upon favourably as tax deductible. Again, transport expenses, the cost of courses and sundry expenses are tax deductible, making this a good way to maximise income while gaining skills to increase the value and quality of your business or trade.
There are many resources available in Ireland, and many professional development modules are run by universities and state colleges. Modules across all professional and industry sectors are available including marketing, IT skills, procurement management, food industry courses, and health and safety. This is just a small sample of what is on offer and many courses of this type offer accreditation by QQI and other relevant authorities.
Courses are also run by independent colleges who offer the very best in professional and academic expertise and excellent support for part time learners. These courses are often led by industry experts which is ideal for those wishing to expand their professional network with other peers. These courses are sometimes available as distance learning modules also and are highly thought of by employers and participants alike.