Physics 2

 Science & Laboratory / University of Galway CPD

Physics 1 introduced some of the fundamental ideas of physics. This module, Physics 2, completes the overview of Classical Physics by introducing the basic theory of electrostatics, electric currents and circuits, electromagnetism and light and optics. Classical Physics is still very relevant and is still used and applied today.

During the 20th century, however, a new physics, which we call Modern Physics, was developed.  Modern Physics has led to a new and still developing understanding of the nature of the physical universe. It has also led to the development of some very important new technologies. One of these, the electronic technology based on semiconductors, is briefly introduced. The last four Units of the module develop some of the ideas of Modern Physics. The final Unit discusses nuclear energy and the generation of nuclear power.

The aim of the module is to develop your skill in the use of the language, concepts and methods of physics and to apply these to the new material covered in the manual. It will help you to explain some of the phenomena you observe in the world around you and to understand how some important technologies apply the principles of physics. It will also help you to develop your own skill in applying these principles and in solving problems.

  • Type : Part Time
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